Extraordinary Resolution to Amend the UBCM Bylaws Regarding Off the Floor Resolutions

UBCM Executive

Whereas s.14c of the UBCM Bylaws provides for any delegate to put forward any motion which if duly seconded and receives a three-fifths majority of delegates support, will be admitted to the floor; And whereas delegates have expressed concern that endorsement of such a motion can result in varying the conference agenda to provide for immediate consideration of the off the floor resolution, thereby disrupting the order of resolutions consideration: Therefore be it resolved that s. 14c of the UBCM Bylaws be amended as follows bold text to provide for consideration of off the floor resolutions on the Friday morning of Convention, immediately after consideration of the Report on Resolutions Received After the Deadline: 14. SUBJECTS FOR DISCUSSION AT CONVENTIONS: c It shall be competent for any delegate at an Annual Convention, or at a Special Convention if a majority of the members are represented, to put forward any motion, which, if duly seconded shall be dealt with as follows: The Chair shall put the question Shall the motion before the meeting be admitted for discussion? and it shall require a three-fifths majority vote before the motion can be put. At the discretion of the Chair any such motion shall be submitted in writing and copies may be required to be provided to all delegates present before consideration thereof. If such a motion is in regards to a new resolution introduced off the floor, defined as a resolution not printed in the Resolutions Book or Report on Resolutions Received After the Deadline, consideration shall take place on the Friday of Convention immediately following consideration of the Resolutions Committee Report on Resolutions Received After the Deadline. And be it further resolved that the proposed amendments take effect for the 2019 UBCM Convention.

Convention Decision
Executive Decision
Referred to Resolutions Committee