Exotic Animal Amendments to Wildlife Act


WHEREAS many BC municipalities, including Vancouver, have enacted bylaws prohibiting the sale and ownership of exotic animals for reasons of public safety, health and animal welfare but there is no harmonized, province-wide approach; AND WHEREAS the Wildlife Act does not recognize exotic animals as wildlife and thus provides inadequate legislative authority for government to regulate; AND WHEREAS the Ministry of Environment is currently considering amendments to the Wildlife Act to address the issue of alien and exotic species: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities request that, when making amendments to the Wildlife Act, the Ministry of Environment specifically regulate the keeping and sale of exotic animals in BC by including a list of exotic animals that are prohibited for keeping or sale in BC.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT The Province has gathered input from stakeholders and First Nations on the Wildlife Act. Over 500 submissions were received. Many of the issues are complex and Ministry of Environment staff are taking the necessary time to review and evaluate. We may proceed with making some amendments to the Act; however, the Province has not committed to making any changes at this point.

Convention Decision