Exemption from Assistance to Business Requirements - Broadband

East Kootenay RD

WHEREAS the Local Government Act provides an exemption from the assistance to business prohibition for the operation of a service to provide capital financing for services provided by a telephone, natural gas or electric power utility; AND WHEREAS the availability of high speed broadband service has become as critical to economic development, education, and communication as those services listed above: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities petition the provincial government to amend Section 797.13 of the Local Government Act by adding broadband as a service for which capital financing can be provided.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Community, Sport Cultural Development The Ministry has been in contact with the Regional District CAOs and Chairs Forum regarding this issue. The Ministry is awaiting a more detailed proposal of the requested amendments from the CAOs and Chairs Forum and is prepared to continue discussions. Ministry staff are available for advice and consultation regarding section 797.13 of the Local Government Act.

Convention Decision