Environmental Assessments for Coal Transport

Sunshine Coast RD

WHEREAS assessment studies provided to Port Metro Vancouver have not assessed the environmental or health impacts related to the release of coal dust during barge transfer and transport over coastal waters between the Port of Metro Vancouver and Texada Island; AND WHEREAS there is currently no mechanism that provides oversight or ensures the implementation of mitigation measures to minimize environmental and health impacts of coal transport over coastal waters: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a comprehensive environmental and health impact assessment for the shipment of thermal coal by rail and over coastal waters be conducted; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an appropriate federal andor provincial agency be named to monitor rail transport, barge transfer and transport of thermal coal over coastal waters to ensure oversight and implementation of environmental and health protection measures.

Federal Response

Minister of the Environment Port Metro Vancouver undertook an analysis of the potential environmental effects of the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks direct transfer coal facility. It has determined that if proposed mitigation measures are taken into account, the project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. Environment Canada monitors for coal dust as part of air quality monitoring of fine and coarse particulate matter. In the Fraser Surrey Docks area, Environment Canada operates a National Air Pollution Surveillance site in Burnaby South, which is located approximately 6.5 kilometres away. Metro Vancouver also monitors air quality in the area.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended