Endangered Species Ecosystems Protection Act

North Saanich

WHEREAS the rich biodiversity of British Columbia, which is of critical importance to maintaining ecosystem integrity and human well-being, is in danger from the more than 1,900 species that are at risk of extinction or extirpation in British Columbia; AND WHEREAS there is little legislation in British Columbia to protect the vast majorities of species and ecosystems that are at risk of extinction: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM petition the Province to enact an effective Species Ecosystem Protection Act to protect British Columbias biodiversity.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment In June 2010, the provincial government fulfilled a commitment made in the August 2009 throne speech by striking a provincial Species at Risk Task Force. The Task Force was charged with providing recommendations to the Government to help it update its vision for the conservation of species and ecosystems at risk and ensure British Columbia remains a leader in environmental sustainability. The report of the Species at Risk Task Force was released on July 4th, 2011. The report makes 16 recommendations addressing legislation, environmental management, First Nations engagement and public engagement. Among the recommendations regarding public engagement are several actions specific to local governments, including establishing a link with municipalities by coordinating the recommendations of the Task Force with the strategies proposed by the Local Government Species at Risk Working Group. This group, led by the Ministry of Environment, brings together representatives from provincial, municipal, and regional governments to discuss approaches to protecting species at risk on local government and private lands in BC. The Province is currently studying the report in detail and will be delivering a formal response over the next few months. The public had the opportunity to provide submissions on the Report of the British Columbia Task Force on Species at Risk through the Ministry of Environment website. As government formulates its plan, all feedback received will be valued and the implications on all interests will be fully considered.

Convention Decision