Emergency Phones Along Major Highways

Columbia Shuswap RD

WHEREAS the lack of telephone cell service in rural areas of the province causes travelers on the Trans Canada Highway and other major highways in British Columbia to be at risk in case of an emergency or breakdown on those highways: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial government be requested to install emergency phones at the side of major highways in isolatedrural areas of the province where no cellular telephone coverage exists.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Transportation The Province of British Columbia Province is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and reliable highway system. In remote locations, along rural highways, it is onerous to install communications infrastructure and currently the Ministry of Transportation Ministry does not support increasing communication devices such as emergency call boxes. In addition, the expansion of cellular coverage within the Province will make emergency call boxes obsolete but no timeframe is available to the Ministry. The Government of British Columbia values public safety and therefore currently has maintenance crews that regularly patrol highways and assist travelers in emergency situations. Highway patrols are increased during adverse weather and during the winter months. Furthermore, emergency call boxes may expose the public to additional loss by promoting them to leave the relative safety of their vehicle and make pedestrian movements along the highway shoulder.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended