Electoral Reform - Voter Identification


WHEREAS electoral reform is needed to improve democracy and decrease voter fraud in local elections: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that provincial legislation be amended to require electors to produce identification at voting stations, regardless of whether the elector is on the list of registered electors.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Community Services The Ministry of Community Services has not been contacted by any local government with evidence that voter fraud is occurring. The Local Government Act includes provisions to challenge a persons entitlement to vote and to require identification that is satisfactory to the presiding election officer. If the person is unable to provide the necessary evidence, he or she may still be allowed to vote upon making a solemn declaration before the presiding election official A record of all challenges, and the manner in which they were resolved, is kept by the elections officials. If the outcome of the election is sufficiently close, the challenges may be considered by the courts in determining the validity of the election outcome. Without evidence to the contrary, it appears the current provisions balance the legitimate right of electors to vote against the risk of voter fraud, if they are on the list of electors.

Convention Decision