Electoral Area Land Use Committees

Cowichan Valley RD

WHEREAS the provincial government mandates that regional districts be required to have a committee that makes recommendations to the regional board on electoral area land use issues, as well as other matters considered by the committee; AND WHEREAS UBCM is currently working on a Regional District Tool Kit rather than regional district legislative review and changes to the Community Charter, as promised by the provincial government: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that in addition to drafting the Regional District Tool Kit, UBCM work with the provincial government to bring in the legislative changes necessary to empower existing electoral area land use committees to act as rural boardscouncils with the authority to make final and effective land use decisions relating to electoral areas; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that UBCM work with the Province to enable these rural boardscouncils to make final and effective decisions on financial matters that are related solely to electoral area jurisdictions and are funded by the taxpayers from a single electoral area or funded by the taxpayers from a partnership or group of electoral areas and that these decisions not be based upon a weighted vote, but on a simple majority of rural boardcouncil members.

Convention Decision
Not Admitted for Debate