Education for Use of Full Cut-off Light Fixtures

District of Sechelt

WHEREAS the use of full cut-off exterior lighting allows light rays to be directed below the horizon of the light fixture which is a more energy efficient, sustainable option that also reduces light pollution in communities and glare for motorists; AND WHEREAS public bodies and the commercial sector should be encouraged to utilize full cut-off exterior lighting: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the UBCM and the Province of British Columbia support an education program on the benefits of installing full cut-off exterior lighting fixtures.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Energy The Ministry of Energy Ministry recognizes that full cut-off fixtures in exterior lighting support energy conservation, reduce light pollution and reduce motorist glare. While the Ministry supports, in principle, an education program on the benefits of installing full cut-off exterior lighting fixtures, ENER has no plans at this time to fund such a program. However, BC Hydros PowerSmart currently includes messaging on lighting pollution and supports full cut-off fixtures in its street lighting program.

Convention Decision