Early Literacy


WHEREAS current research in early childhood development shows that early interventions with language and reading experiences are essential in developing literate and engaged individuals; AND WHEREAS qualified childrens librarians are skilled in the delivery of pre-literacy programs for very young children and their caregivers; AND WHEREAS the Minister of State for British Columbia has committed to a three year support for a Province-wide Books for BC Babies program in conjunction with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Community Services; AND WHEREAS the Premier of British Columbia has committed to making British Columbia the most literate jurisdiction in the world; AND WHEREAS the Literacy Summit acknowledges the need for partnerships in extending the work of literacy into the community at large; AND WHEREAS the federal government has given support for a National Childrens Agenda and allocates Family Literacy funding through the National Literacy Secretariat: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the UBCM urge the federal and provincial governments to enhance cross-ministerial financial support for early childhood literacy initiatives; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that UBCM urge local governments to support partnerships between public libraries and early childhood educators in fostering early childhood literacy programs, both in the library and elsewhere in the community; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the UBCM forward this resolution to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities for consideration.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Education The provincial government recognizes the important role that public libraries play in supporting the early learning and literacy development of young children. The Ministry of Education has recently assumed responsibility for public libraries. The Ministrys Public Library Services Branch works hard to ensure that the interests of the library community are reflected in all inter-agency work related to literacy. Province-wide literacy work is highly collaborative and dependent on strong partnerships. The important role that libraries play in such partnerships is broadly recognized. At the Literacy Summit, we announced the Strategic Plan for Public Libraries, which outlines strategies to build and support province-wide seamless access to library resources for every man, woman and child in British Columbia. Two grant programs, one for literacy programming and one for technology, will provide funding to 70 public library boards, each year, for three years. While decisions on how the money will be spent are just being made, first indicators show that many of the libraries have chosen to use these grants to support early learning projects for their communities. Libraries are an integral part of the leadership that will help our province grow and develop, especially in the areas of early childhood learning and literacy.

Convention Decision