Downloading of Responsibility for Emergency Services


Whereas British Columbias small and medium-sized local governments are finding it increasingly challenging to respond and most importantly to fund emergency response services that are not necessarily within the purview of their statutory mandate and responsibility; And whereas many of these provincially downloaded responses to emergencies impact local police, ambulance, fire, fire-rescue, emergency highway rescue, and search and rescue services, many of which are volunteer-based; And whereas emergencies originating on the land base outside the boundaries and beyond the limited financial resources, expertise, and staff and volunteer capacities of those local governments are in many cases climate change-driven: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM petition the Province of British Columbia and where applicable the Government of Canada to recognize and assist local governments with funding and other aid in responding to emergency services that are not necessarily within the purview of their statutory mandate and responsibility.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General The Province recognizes the challenges that small communities and regional districts face in delivering emergency services, especially beyond their established service areas. The Province also recognizes and values the many volunteers who are the foundation for many of these life-saving services in rural areas. In March 2019, the Province invested 18.6 million, distributed over a three-year period, to support search and rescue operations, training and expanded equipment and activities. Emergency Management BC EMBC, in collaboration with the BC Search and Rescue Association, continues work to establish a sustainable and secure long-term funding model for Ground Search and Rescue. With the Office of the Fire Commissioner, EMBC is committed to working with the Fire Chiefs Association of BC on a sustainable model for road rescue services. The Province is considering modernization of the Emergency Program Act. A discussion paper was developed that outlined the proposed changes to the Act. Communities were encouraged to participate and provide input to ensure that this new legislation reflects their needs.

Convention Decision