Dont Close the Doors on Adult Education

Nanaimo City

Whereas the Ministry has abolished funding for adult basic education programs and instituted tuition fees: Therefore be it resolved that the BC Federation of Students campaign Dont Close the Doors be endorsed by requesting the Ministry reinstate funding for adult basic education programs and abolish tuition fees.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills Training The Provincial Government is committed to ensuring that British Columbians have equitable access to the Adult Basic Education ABE programs that help them gain the literacy and numeracy skills to meet their education, employment and societal goals. In August 2017, the Premier announced reinstatement of the tuition-free policy for domestic students accessing ABE and English Language Learning ELL programs in the public post-secondary system, effective September 1, 2017. During the Fall of 2017, the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training engaged with post-secondary institutions, staff, students and other partners to discuss policies that will ensure domestic students in ABE and ELL programs are successful in their studies, and that these tuition-free programs remain sustainable within institutions and across the sector.

Convention Decision