

WHEREAS Mara and Shuswap Lakes, adjacent to and within the District of Sicamous, have been inundated with a proliferation of private buoys and docks over the summer seasons of 2006 and 2007, absent of Provincial andor Federal authority or approvals; AND WHEREAS, given the potential life saving impacts of such activity, the District has requested enforcement and intervention by the Provincial Ministry of Agriculture, Integrated Land Management Bureau representatives, to no avail; AND WHEREAS, effective October 2007 municipalities and regional district were advised by the Ministry of Agriculture of Lands Land Program Services Branch that the Ministry proposes changes to the Crown Land Private Moorage Program to eliminate Provincial requirements license of occupation for placement of privately owned small and seasonal lake docks up to 20m sq. in size: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of British Columbia Municipalities urges the Province of British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture and Lands to retain administration of water leases and licenses for all docks, to ensure control and management of its waterways and public life safety; and provide adequate funding for increased staffing resources to appropriately administer enforcement and compliance, except where local government may enter into a cooperative arrangement with the Province of BC to do otherwise.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Agriculture and Lands The private moorage program was revised in consultation with local governments and First Nations to create greater harmony with all applicable legislation, local bylaws, and Best Management Practices. Areas identified by agencies and local government as having sensitive values or potential for user conflicts can be designated to require an application, regardless of dock size. Local governments have the option to address cumulative impacts through submission of community moorage proposals for shared use by area residents. The private moorage program does not affect local governments ability to manage private moorage through zoning and bylaw or head lease. The program does not affect the established procedures for review and referral of applications. Private buoys are regulated by the federal government.

Convention Decision