Disposal of Surplus School Lands Improvements


WHEREAS the provincial government, through the Minister of Education, established Ministerial Order M19308 dealing with the disposal of surplus school lands and improvements which became effective September 3, 2008; AND WHEREAS Ministerial Order M19308 does not provide for consultation with local governments prior to the disposal of surplus school lands and improvements: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial government be requested to amend Ministerial Order M19308 to ensure that: a Local governments are consulted before school lands and improvements are listed as being surplus to school needs; b All surplus lands and facilities are made available for purchase by the local government prior to making the properties available for Provincial or other uses; c Lands determined to be surplus are offered to the local governing body at a minimal or no cost for use as seniors facilities, low cost housing, economic incubation centers or other community purposes; d Local government agreement is obtained for any proposed future uses of surplus school lands prior to the disposal of school lands to the Province or other interested private parties; e Local government and community contributions made towards the creation of school lands and facility assets are considered prior to disposal; f Any proceeds from disposals of lands andor improvements attributable to local taxpayers are either vested directly in new local school lands and facilities, as originally intended, or returned to the local government; g Lands contributed to school districts in trust for school purposes are maintained for school purposes or are returned to the local government as appropriate; and h The discretion of the Minister to arbitrarily allocate funds generated from the sale of school assets to the provincial government be removed.

Convention Decision
Not Admitted for Debate