Development Permits for Private Institutional Developments

Sechelt District

Whereas, historically, institutional developments were funded and built by senior levels of government and so legislation that would allow local government development permit oversight for the form and character of these developments was not contemplated in the Local Government Act; And whereas institutional developments are now being funded and built by private providers in the Province of BC: Therefore be it resolved that the Province of BC be requested to amend the appropriate sections of the Local Government Act regarding the designation of development permit areas for form and character to include privately owned institutional development in a manner consistent with that of commercial, industrial, or multi-family residential developments.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Municipal Affairs Housing The Ministry is prepared to look further at the policy questions related to the legislative change that the Union of British Columbia Municipalities is proposing the next time there is a general review of Part 14 Planning and Land Use Management of the Local Government Act.

Convention Decision