Development Cost Charges Cash-in-lieu of park lands

North Okanagan RD

WHEREAS under the provisions of Section 935 Use of development cost charges of the Local Government Act, these charges may be used only for specific activities within the limitations of the legislation; and under Section 941 Provision of park land, a local government may take 5 of lands being subdivided for park lands or cash-in-lieu as set forth in the legislation, and these funds or lands can only be used for specific activities as set forth in the legislation; AND WHEREAS local governments are charged with the responsibility of providing recreational facilities and, in many instances, the capital improvements to these facilities to meet the requirements of the BC Safety Code, or to maintain the facilities in good working condition for their residents and to practice good risk management; AND WHEREAS many of the facilities in smaller communities could not be replaced at todays cost of construction: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial government review the legislation relating to Development Cost Charges and Cash-in-Lieu of Park Lands, with the view of amending the legislation to increase the activities these funds may be used for, such as upgrading recreational facilities.

Convention Decision
Not Admitted for Debate