Detox and Treatment Beds, and Sobering Centres


Whereas local governments across BC work with business and neighbourhood associations, health authorities, social service providers, and provincial organizations to identify resources or programs that will support a safe and secure community for all; And whereas many local governments are in need of more detox beds, treatment beds and a sobering centres in their communities: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Minister of Health and the Minister of Mental Health and Addictions address the need for an increase in detox beds and treatment beds, and sobering centres that include treatment for addictions and mental health issues.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions The Province recognizes the ongoing need to enhance mental health and substance use supports for British Columbians, particularly those in rural and remote areas. We are committed to providing improved access to a range of quality options with medical detox and rehabilitation treatment services being one part of a comprehensive system of care. Through Budget 2021, the province has made a historic investment of over 500M in mental health and addiction care with over 132M allocated for adult treatment and recovery services. These funds will support investments in withdrawal management, transition and assessment, specialized treatment and recovery, and aftercare services. This investment represents an additional 195 treatment beds and over 132 new full time employee FTE positions, including beds and FTEs to support withdrawal management services, sobering beds and treatment services. This investment will address critical gaps in care by increasing access to services, reducing wait times, improving transitions through the system, supporting innovative initiatives improving client attachment and promoting holistic, person-centered and culturally safe services. In addition to the 132M in treatment and recovery funds, Budget 2021 includes additional funding to build andor enhance services related to illicit drug poisoning as well as to improve the mental health and substance use system of care for children, youth and young adults. These investments build on new substance use treatment services already underway such as the creation of 123 new youth substance-use treatment beds doubling youth substance use beds in the province and more than 100 new adult treatment and recovery beds that are being added throughout the province. We are actively working with health authorities, who are responsible for delivering substance use treatment services in the province, to plan and implement these new and enhanced services. Through collaboration with health authorities, local governments, indigenous communities, and organizations, we believe the investments of Budget 2021 will lay the foundation for a comprehensive substance use system of care in British Columbia.

Convention Decision