Derelict Abandoned Vessels

Islands Trust
Bowen Island

WHEREAS the UBCM previously endorsed resolutions in 2005, 2010, and 2012 proposing constructive solutions and encouraging the federal and provincial governments to take action on the issue of derelict and abandoned vessels; AND WHEREAS the issue continues to be of significant concern to coastal communities for economic, aesthetic, environmental and safety reasons: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM again request the provincial and federal governments to increase their efforts to work together to create a permanent solution to the issue of abandoned and derelict vessels that includes sustainable funding sources.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Forests, Lands Natural Resource Operations Dealing with unauthorized float homes, abandoned vessels and derelict structures near public waterways is a complex, time-consuming and costly job that can, depending on circumstances, involve multiple agencies and levels of government. Federal authorities are the lead agency regarding structures or vessels that obstruct maritime navigation or pose a threat to spawning beds or the environment. When a vessel runs aground or sinks on provincial Crown land, federal authorities remain the lead agency. If the structure in question is not recognized as a vessel, then the Province has jurisdiction to act. Often, provincial and federal agencies work together to deal with abandoned vessels on a priority basis, with highest priority reserved for those that pose an immediate threat to navigation safety or the environment.

Convention Decision