Delivery of Tax Notices Via Email

North Vancouver District

WHEREAS current technology makes it both effective and efficient to deliver tax notices by email for those residents that wish to subscribe to this service; AND WHEREAS the Community Charter, in Section 237, provides that tax notices must be mailed to owners of property: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province of British Columbia be requested to amend the Community Charter to allow for the electronic delivery of tax notices where requested by property owners.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY SERVICES While Section 237 of the Community Charter provides that tax notices must be mailed, this does not preclude local governments from also delivering tax notices via secured electronic means, such as Canada Posts electronic E-post billing service, to property owners. The Ministry advises local governments who opt for supplementary electronic delivery of property tax notices to move forward with caution, weighing potential risks and rewards of such a distribution system.

Convention Decision