Definition Maintenance of Drainage Ditches


WHEREAS the Department of Fisheries and Oceans directives view all agricultural drainages as potential fish habitat; AND WHEREAS maintenance of agricultural drainage ditches according to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans standards impairs the drainage function of the ditches: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans be requested to identify the difference between natural streams and engineered ditches designed to drain agricultural land and allow unrestricted maintenance of drainage ditches.

Federal Response

MINISTRY OF FISHERIES AND OCEANS Resolution B31 seeks to identify the difference between natural streams and engineered ditches designed to drain agricultural land. DFO habitat staff in Pacific Region have been collaborating with the provincial staff of what is now the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands for some years in providing advice and information, as well as drafting and editing the British Columbia Agriculture Practices Guidebooks. These guidebooks were written as companion documents to the Canada-British Columbia Environmental Farm Plan Program. The Drainage Management Guide, which addresses your request, can be found online at:… It provides guidance on differentiating between natural streams and engineered ditches, and explains that maintenance of constructed ditches can proceed with minimal agency contact providing that the timing windows and guidelines that are outlined in the management guide are followed. UI encourage interested local governments to call the local Ministry of Agriculture and Lands office if they require assistance with the Guide, and the local DFO office for information and guidance regarding drainage maintenance within natural streams, channelized streams, and constructed ditches within farm lands.

Convention Decision