Deferral of Development Cost Charges for Non-profit Housing


WHEREAS the Local Government Act does not provide local governments with the authority to defer payment of development cost charges for non-profit housing; AND WHEREAS this amendment would provide an additional tool to assist with the financial planning of non-profit housing projects: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities recommend to the provincial government to amend section 933.1 of the Local Government Act to permit the deferral of development cost charges for non-profit housing projects.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY RURAL DEVELOPMENT The Province of British Columbia strongly supports the development of affordable, sustainable housing in municipalities throughout the province. Through significant consultation with stakeholders on the issue, amendments were made to allow the reduction or waiving of Development Cost Charges DCCs on specific projects that were judged to have positive impacts on the stocks of affordable or environmentally sustainable housing, including non-profit housing. The Province has also left the criteria for defining eligible projects at the discretion of local governments. While the Province has not contemplated the option of deferring DCCs on non-profit housing, there are strong incentives already at local governments disposal and contained in existing legislation to encourage the development of affordable housing.

Convention Decision