Declared Nuisances

Cowichan Valley RD

WHEREAS there is no legislation in place that allows regional districts to take measures to address declared nuisances; AND WHEREAS many residents have expressed grave concerns regarding impacts from odours that are produced from composting facilities in the Cowichan Valley Regional District: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province of British Columbia be requested to introduce legislation that would allow a regional district to take measures to address declared nuisances.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development The Province recognizes that regional districts are diverse, and can face unique challenges that may require customized solutions. To accommodate BCs regional diversity, the Province has, in the past, provided customized regulatory authorities to regional districts. For example, the Central Okanagan Regional District has the authority to regulate businesses, and the Regional District of Columbia-Shuswap has the authority to regulate fireworks and firecrackers. Under B.C. Reg. 232008 Comox Valley Regional District Regulation, the Province has granted the Comox Valley Regional District the power to regulate declared nuisances. Regional districts that face unique challenges are encouraged to contact the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development to discuss approaches to address particular challenges.

Convention Decision