Cyber Security Program Funding


Whereas local government has become reliant on use of information technologies including the Internet, wireless technology and smart devices to advance communications and citizen services and create operational efficiencies; And whereas protection of privacy and security of digital and physical assets and services is critical to local government in a situation where rapidly evolving technology poses significant risk of theft and damage to hardware, software and information: Therefore be it resolved that the Province of British Columbia establish a program that supports local government and provides grant resources for information technology security audits and information technology security system upgrades.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Citizens Services Government is interested in supporting local governments seeking to improve the privacy and security of digital assets and services. That could include providing grant resources for information technology security audits and information technology security system upgrades. Ministry staff are undertaking work on this issue, to identify the criteria and amount of funds that would be required if government were to proceed to provide grant resources for information technology security audits and information technology security system upgrades. That includes considering matters such as security of delivery, consent of recipients and technological capacity. Next steps will include discussions with staff from UBCM, Local Government Management Association and Government Finance Officers Association, as well as a survey of all municipal directors of information technology.

Convention Decision