Coordinated Environmental Review Process


WHEREAS the Fraser River Estuary Management Program was discontinued on March 1, 2013; AND WHEREAS changes have been made to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans DFO Habitat Protection Program without consultation with local governments; AND WHEREAS these changes will result in the loss of the coordinated environmental review process for in-stream works, shoreline development and other projects that may impact the marine ecosystem: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial government be requested to initiate discussions with the federal government and local government regarding the reinstatement of an independent agency to coordinate environmental review processes for in-stream and shoreline works.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment The recent federal changes introduced under Bill C-38 and Bill C-45, along with the downsizing and restructuring of the Fisheries Protection Programs are having an impact on how programs are managed and delivered. The Ministry of Environment is working with the natural resource sector ministries and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans DFO to fully understand the implications of the changes to our regulatory framework and to the delivery of programs to ensure that a high level of environmental protection is maintained. The decision to sunset the Fraser River Estuary Management Program FREMP arose from the findings of a program review on the effectiveness and efficiency of the program. The review was contracted in 2012 to Ernst and Young. Post-sunset, the former FREMPs Coordinated Project Review process, continues but is now being provided by agencies directly; this is a more cost effective approach than the former model of agencies funding a third party for that work. The Port of Vancouver the Port receives the incoming applications for foreshore and upland developments within the Port area and refers them by email to relevant agencies for review and comment. DFO, Ministry of Education MOE, Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations FLNRO and the Port continues to coordinate and collaborate on the environmental stewardship of the Fraser River and Burrard estuaries through both a Partners Committee focused on strategic direction and inter-agency collaboration, to which MOE is a member, and Management Committee, focused on addressing more operational issues such as project reviews, to which FLNRO is a member. The Province would welcome UBCMs input on any concerns arising from changes to the Fisheries Act, DFO restructuring and the closure of the FREMP program.

Federal Response

Minister of the Environment The strengthened and modernized Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 was put in place to support the Governments responsible resource development initiative. It ensures that a science-based environmental assessment will be carried out for those designated projects that the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency determines require an environmental assessment. After an internal review in 2012, it was determined that the activities of the Burrard Inlet Environmental Action Program and the Fraser River Estuary Management Program no longer aligned with Environment Canadas priorities; therefore, a decision was made to withdraw from those programs. However, the Department continues to contribute to environmental review processes conducted by responsible jurisdictions in the Fraser River Estuary, where appropriate.

Convention Decision