Construction and Demolition Waste Strategy

North Vancouver District

Whereas construction and demolition waste comprises approximately 2.8 million metric tonnes of materials annually in British Columbia, and about one-third of municipal solid waste disposed in the Province; And whereas the materials disposed could have been resold, reused or recycled, they represent sources of embodied carbon, and deconstruction provides six times more job opportunities: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy develop a plan, including changes to regulations, provincial procurement policy, and economic and industrial policy, to significantly reduce construction and demolition waste.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment and Climate Action Strategy The Environmental Management Act requires regional districts to develop plans for the management of municipal solid waste and recyclable materials. Final plans are approved by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy ENV after public and stakeholder consultation has taken place. ENV has received several updated solid waste management plans from regional districts for approval and is supportive of the actions that many local governments have undertaken, including new management strategies to reduce construction and demolition waste. To further support and address the significant quantities of construction and demolition waste being disposed of, the Province looks to promote and develop opportunities to move to a circular economy. The CleanBC plan includes working towards adoption of a circular economy in British Columbia, recognizing the potential for creating jobs, promoting innovation, and protecting the environment by harnessing the full value of resources and significantly reducing waste going to landfills, and has set a provincial target to reduce the per capita waste disposed annually to 350 kgperson.

Convention Decision