Conservation Investments Incentives Initiative Fund

Central Coast RD

WHEREAS the governments of British Columbia and Canada have introduced the Conservation Investments and Incentives Initiative Fund to mitigate the impact of land use planning on Coastal BC First Nations; AND WHEREAS the Central Coast Land and Resource Management Plans CCLRMP General Management Direction, Section 4.2.6 Communities defined goals, objectives and strategies include: a create a positive economic, social and cultural climate for local communities; b realize the socio-economic potential of the plan area for First Nations, local communities, residents and other provincial interests; and c distribute resources there is a fair distribution of resources, benefits, costs and risks across all parts of BC and Canada, including Coastal communities, aboriginal and non-aboriginal people; AND WHEREAS the CCLRMPs Ecosystem-Based Management Plans goals and principles include: a consider all community and other interests affected; and b fairness: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities lobby the governments of BC and Canada to ensure that all residents of the BC Central Coast are deemed eligible recipients and beneficiaries.

Convention Decision
Referred Back to Area Association