Conflict in Afghanistan

Tumbler Ridge

WHEREAS the current conflict in Afghanistan is not linked to the conflict in Iraq, in that a majority of member states of the United Nations General Assembly voted in favour of the resolution calling for the expulsion of the Taliban from Afghanistan by whatever means necessary; AND WHEREAS the men and women of the Canadian Armed Forces stationed in Afghanistan are enabling this resolution: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities take any action deemed appropriate to note our admiration and support for all of the men and women now serving with the Canadian Armed Forces.

Federal Response

MINISTRY OF NATIONAL DEFENCE I would like to sincerely thank you and UBCM for passing this resolution. I appreciate the work the union has done to recognize our brave men and women in uniform. Our members and their families have made, and are continuing to make, incredible sacrifices in support of this mission, and we are all tremendously grateful to them. Your resolution correctly notes that Canada is in Afghanistan as part of a United Nations General Assembly resolution calling for the expulsion of the Taliban by any means necessary. In carrying out this mission, the Canadian Forces has demonstrated the highest level of professionalism and dedication. Our soldiers believe in this mission, and they are committed to its success. The approximately 2,500 Canadian men and women currently deployed to Afghanistan deserve all our support as they protect Canadians, support our allies, and help Afghans. For more information about supporting our troops, I invite you to visit the Canadian Forces Personnel Support Agency website at www.cfpsa.comsupportourtroops. I hope you will find this site useful, and I encourage you to share it with the other members of UBCM.

Other Response

OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR GENERAL OF CANADA Her Excellency appreciates your sharing this resolution with her and thanks you for your continued support of our troops serving overseas.

Convention Decision