Compensation for Large Scale Mining Activities


WHEREAS large scale mining activities on crown land have a negative effect on neighbouring local governments in that they decrease property values and impact overall quality of life of residents; AND WHEREAS the Crown receives royalties from these mining activities: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province of BC be requested to put in place a mechanism that would allow local government to receive financial compensation.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Energy, Mines Petroleum Resources Mining creates over 10,000 direct jobs with an average annual wage of 112,000. In 2008, more than 28,000 people were employed in the minerals economy in over 50 BC communities. Mining also contributes to local economies with: business opportunities, economic diversification, infrastructure development and skills development opportunities for local residents and First Nations peoples. Since 2005, the Province has contributed nearly 5 million in funding for mining education and skills training for individuals in rural and First Nations communities. The British Columbia Mining Plan has continued to provide guidance to the mining industry by focusing on inclusiveness and supporting benefits such as employment and business opportunities for local communities. The mining approval processes both Environmental Assessment and Mine Permitting include opportunities for local communities to ensure appropriate mitigation of social and environmental impacts, protection of health and safety and enhancement of local benefits. Taxes and royalties paid by the mining industry go to provide health and education needs in every community in BC. Taxes and direct expenditures by the mining industry support infrastructure development such as roads, community centres and local sponsorships. Hundreds of mining supply businesses in local communities around the Province are sustained by mines.

Convention Decision