Community Farm Markets

North Saanich

WHEREAS local community farm markets build communities, have re-vitalized the local economies of urban and rural communities, and can provide food security with a lower carbon footprint; AND WHEREAS local farm markets require funding to cover start-up costs for infrastructure, promotion and insurance: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the UBCM petition the Province to provide funding to contribute to the start-up costs for communities to establish new local farm markets.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Agriculture The Ministry of Agriculture Ministry is keenly aware of the positive effects of community farmers markets. The Ministry continues to support the growth and development of farmers markets across the Province primarily by working closely with the BC Association of Farmers Markets BCAFM. The BCAFM represents over 100 of the 125 farmers markets throughout BC. The BCAFM is committed to strengthening and building the capacity of farmers markets. Membership has grown by over 30 in the past two years and the number of markets has more than tripled since 2000. The economic impact of farmers markets in BC in 2006 was over 118.5 million and continues to grow. Over the past five years, the Ministry has provided staff support and approximately 133,000 to BCAFM to help build capacity in the sector. An additional 750,000 was provided by the then Ministry of Income and Employment Assistance for BCAFM to deliver the 2007-2009 Nutrition and Coupon Program. The Investment Agriculture Foundation of British Columbia invested a further 219,000 of federalprovincial funding to BCAFM to implement their 2006 2010 Strategic Plan. The support provided is helping BCAFM grow the capacity of this sector, through offering workshops and programs on food safety MarketSafe, market management and board governance; organizing other educational events and conferences; and providing a forum to assist the sector respond to common issues and take advantage of opportunities.

Convention Decision