Community Climate Action Plans

Comox Valley RD

Whereas 493 local governments across Canada, including dozens in BC, have adopted climate emergency declarations; And whereas there is an urgent need for local governments to develop community climate action plans with clearly articulated targets, but local governments lack the financial resources to effectively implement such plans to mitigate the impacts of climate change: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the provincial government provide sustained financial support for local community climate action planning and implementation that serves to meet the goals of CleanBC.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy The Province has committed to a more prosperous, balanced, and sustainable future through CleanBC. The Province recognizes that local governments have a critical role to play in meeting our provincial climate targets and preparing for and adapting to climate risks, and is aware that over thirty local governments in BC have adopted climate emergency declarations. CleanBC is only the beginning of the Provinces efforts. The Climate Action Secretariat CAS has released a draft Climate Preparedness and Adaptation Strategy informed by the 2019 Preliminary Strategic Climate Risk Assessment for B.C, and input from UBCM, local governments, Indigenous Nations and others across B.C.. This draft strategy is anticipated for release in spring 2022, and will help to protect ecosystems, lower long-term costs and keep people and communities safe. The Climate Action Secretariat was part of the UBCM Special Committee on Climate Action comprised of elected officials and senior staff from local government along with other representatives from the province, non-governmental organizations, crown corporations and academia. The Province has received considerable feedback from the UBCM Special Committee on Climate Action, along with the Climate Solutions Council and other local governments in support of establishing new pathways to meet the goals of CleanBC. In December 2020, UBCM released the recommendations of the Special Committee on Climate Action which called for funding and capacity building resources to support a low carbon future. The Province heard these recommendations and during the UBCM 2021 Convention, Premier John Horgan announced that over the coming months, Minister Heyman Ministry of Environment and Climate Strategy in partnership with Minister Osborne Ministry of Municipal Affairs, will establish a new approach to supporting local government climate action.

Convention Decision