Communications Strategy on Infrastructure Funding Gap

Port Coquitlam

WHEREAS local governments throughout British Columbia and across Canada are in the process of gathering relevant information and valuing their communitys infrastructure assets, which is expected to lead to qualification of their infrastructure funding gap and preliminary results from most communities in British Columbia show not only a larger than anticipated infrastructure funding gap but also a shorter remaining useful life for any of their large assets; AND WHEREAS local governments in BC rely heavily on property taxation to assist with funding maintenance and replacement of infrastructure and thereby expect higher property tax rate increases over the next few decades to address the infrastructure funding gap and higher property tax rates are a sensitive issue with taxpayers across the country and often if the cost drivers are not well communicated to the public, strong opposition to tax increases is voiced: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the UBCM, in joint effort with its member municipalities, develop a proactive and effective communications and marketing strategy that brings to the people of BC a collective voice that highlights the local government services enjoyed by the people of BC, the upcoming challenges associated with the infrastructure funding gap, and the local government leaders are working on solutions to ensure the services valued by the communities are maintained into the future.

Convention Decision
Not Considered - Automatic Referral to Executive
Executive Decision
Referred to Presidents Committee
Committee Decision
Not Endorsed