Coastal Douglas-fir Associated Ecosystems Conservation Partnership Funding

Islands Trust

WHEREAS the UBCM members previously endorsed resolution 2013-B104 requesting that the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations adequately resource the Coastal Douglas-fir and Associated Ecosystems Conservation Partnership the Partnership; AND WHEREAS in 2015 the Partnership will issue a 30-year conservation strategy for the coastal douglas fir biogeoclimatic zone, the most at risk zone in British Columbia, but has insufficient resources to implement the strategy: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the provincial government to provide core, multi-year funding to the Partnership to assist its members to implement the conservation strategy with the Province, First Nations, local governments, the federal government, stakeholders, and the general public.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Forests, Lands Natural Resource Operations The Province was instrumental in the creation of the Coastal Douglas Fir Conservation Partnership and supports the goals and objectives of the organization. The partnerships steering committee is currently finalizing its long-term plan and preparing detailed budgets. Once these tasks are complete, we will work with the steering committee to develop a funding model to support this important work. Through its involvement in the partnership, the provincial government remains committed to raising public awareness and promoting improved stewardship of the Coastal Douglas-fir ecosystem by working more closely with private landowners, local governments and environmental non-government organizations.

Convention Decision