Climate Change Solutions

Grand Forks

WHEREAS there has been an increase in greenhouse gases in recent years from human and commercial activities and there are a number of practical ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of British Columbia Municipalities urge the federal and provincial governments to provide financial and other incentives to encourage energy efficiency and to encourage new technologies and techniques in machinery, heating, lighting, ventilation and vehicle emissions to significantly cut energy use, production costs, greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT The Government of British Columbia Government will implement a wide range of actions to achieve its greenhouse gas GHG reduction target of 33 below 2007 levels by 2020. Options under development include incentives. As indicated in the 2007 Throne Speech, Government will consider tax measures that encourage environmentally responsible choices and lower carbon consumption. However, research and experience in other jurisdictions suggest that incentives alone are unlikely to get us to our goal. A wide range of other approaches, listed in the Governments 2007 Throne Speech and 2007 Energy Plan are also under development. These include the development of GHG standards for tailpipe emissions, and regulations requiring the capture of landfill methane and measures to regulate industrial GHG emissions.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended