Climate Change Recommendations

Sunshine Coast RD

Whereas communities are vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and local governments are seeking ways to strengthen their resiliency; And whereas the provincial government has committed to developing a Climate Leadership Plan that supports mutually beneficial climate actions: Therefore be it resolved that the provincial government be urged to implement all 32 policy action recommendations set out in the Climate Leadership Team Recommendations to Government report and work collaboratively with local governments in order to develop policies and programs to mitigate the impacts of climate change on BC communities.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment The Climate Leadership Team developed a thoughtful report that outlines the need to protect the natural environment, industry competiveness, and family affordability. With the Climate Leadership Plan announcement on August 19th, 2016, the Province has addressed 18 of the Climate Leadership Teams 32 recommendations. The Ministry has already acted on several, and the plan includes more key areas where British Columbia can take action now to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Government will continue to work on addressing further recommendations through the Pan Canadian Framework and other processes. We will work with local governments to expand on the progress already made under our Climate Action Charter and seek further participation of First Nations in new opportunities.

Convention Decision