Clean Energy


WHEREAS a comprehensive clean energy strategy could effectively prepare Canada for present and future energy needs and lay the foundation for a more diversified economy; AND WHEREAS an overarching vision for a national clean energy strategy would signal to the world that Canada is prepared to be a global leader in a transition toward clean energy; AND WHEREAS local governments face many energy challenges, including rising prices, increased pollution and aging infrastructure; AND WHEREAS a significant number of local governments are also energy producers and providers, through locally owned electric and gas utilities and district heating systems, and also via renewable energy generation for public buildings; AND WHEREAS FCM has called for a long-term, predictable infrastructure funding plan and federal-municipal collaboration on energy efficient building retrofits: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that, in order to remain globally competitive in a fast changing world, the federal government be requested to work with UBCM and FCM, to develop a new energy strategy prioritizing green-sector jobs and clean-energy innovation.

Federal Response

Minister of Natural Resources Canada is an energy leader, and federal, provincial and territorial governments are collaborating to ensure that our natural resources are developed responsibly in a manner that maximizes their contribution to our long-term economic growth, jobs and prosperity. Federal, provincial and territorial Energy Ministers meet annually at the Energy and Mines Ministers Conference EMMC to set priorities for collaborative work. In 2011, Ministers endorsed a Collaborative Approach to Energy further details may be found at: http:www.scics.gc.caenglishconferences.asp?aviewid2611y2011m7 and an associated action plan, which include energy efficiency, electricity reliability, energy innovation, and regulatory reform. The most recent outcomes of this work, which were presented to Ministers at the 2013 EMMC, may be viewed on Natural Resources Canadas Web site at www.nrcan.gc.ca7307. The upcoming EMMC, to be held in Sudbury, Ontario, in August 2014, will focus on gaps and opportunities for alignment on safe and reliable energy transportation, energy innovation and responsible energy use. Since 2006, the Government of Canada has invested more than 10 billion to encourage growth in green infrastructure development, energy efficiency, clean energy technologies and cleaner fuels. Through the ecoENERGY Innovation program, the Government has supported critical research, development and demonstration activities. The 1.4-billion ecoENERGY for Renewable Power initiative has encouraged the production of more than 4,450 megawatts of new electricity from renewable energy sources, which is enough electricity to power about 1.2 million homes. Further information is available on NRCans Office of Efficiencys Web site at www.nrcan.gc.caenergyefficiency as well as the Governments ecoACTION Web site at www.nrcan.gc.caecoaction. The Government recognizes the importance of responsible energy use and is also making progress towards improved efficiency of energy use in its industrial, transportation and building sectors. Canadas federal, provincial and territorial governments are collaborating and aligning efforts on energy efficiency as a shared energy priority. Results of these collaborations include strengthening business capacity to finance energy efficiency projects in homes and buildings. Going forward, Canadas key policy drivers will continue to include enabling market access and the building of critical infrastructure; supporting energy innovation and efficiency across all energy sources to advance responsible resource development and use; enhancing engagement and participation of Aboriginal peoples in resource development; and engaging internationally to promote Canadian energy interests.

Convention Decision