Clean Energy

Tumbler Ridge

WHEREAS, the recent British Columbia Speech from the Throne recognized that climate change is a real possibility, which may adversely affect our environment and, ultimately, our way of life; AND WHEREAS the unsequestered or untreated burning of fossil fuels is widely considered to be a major contributor to adverse climate change: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities submit a letter to the provincial government indicating its support for the research, development and implementation of the worlds best technologies for the mitigation and sequestration of the C02 from all fossil fuel generated electricity; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities submit a letter to the provincial government supporting the policy to fund clean energy research and development.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF ENERGY, MINES AND PETROLEUM RESOURCES The Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources concurs with the Resolution Committees conclusion that no further action is required by the Union of British Columbia Municipalities on this resolution in light of the policy actions contained within the Provinces 2007 Energy Plan. In particular, the following policy actions should be noted: Electricity Development: 18 - All new electricity generation projects will have zero net greenhouse gas emissions. 19 - All existing thermal generation power plants will have zero net greenhouse gas emissions by 2016. 20 - Any coal thermal electricity facilities will have zero greenhouse gas emissions. 21 - Clean or renewable electricity generation will account for at least 90 percent of total generation. Oil and Gas Development: 36 - All routine flaring at oil and gas producing wells and production facilities will be eliminated by 2016 with an interim goal to reduce flaring by 50 percent by 2011. 37 - Policies and measures to reduce sector air emissions will be developed in coordination with the Ministry of Environment. 49 - The Province will encourage the development of new oil and gas technologies.

Convention Decision