Classification Split on Accommodation Hotels


WHEREAS BC Assessment in 2007 introduced a new classification methodology that permitted strata accommodation properties to be split-classified between Class 6 and Class 1 residential to reflect a dual use of these properties personal residential and commercial use; AND WHEREAS the re-assessment of certain properties, which continue to be zoned for commercial uses only, has significantly reduced the tax base of smaller tourist based communities throughout BC which planned in accordance to the proposed uses and commercial land base within their OCPs, tax and budget forecast: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Government of BC review its methodology for split classification in cases where the zoning precludes residential uses as a permitted use.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Community, Sport Cultural Development Government understands that the issue of split classification for strata accommodation properties SAPs has ramifications for some small resort municipalities in terms of revenues from property taxation. There is a fine line between not overburdening taxpayers and ensuring local governments have the resources they need to meet service requirements. In this case, however, a 15-year old issue was resolved after significant consultations and the legislative changes have only been in place for six years. Changes to this methodology would require consultations and legislative amendments. Although government will continue to work with local governments to address concerns regarding the classification of SAPs, government is not considering any further legislative changes at this time.

Convention Decision