Cellular Phone Coverage in Rural Communities

Hudsons Hope Port Clements

WHEREAS the provincial government made a commitment in 2008 that all rural communities would be provided with advanced communications including cellular phone service within three years, which would provide lower cost communication and support economic growth; AND WHEREAS many rural communities and vast areas of British Columbia are still without cellular coverage, and the absence of this service poses a hazard to all who travel through the province: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the UBCM lobby the provincial government and cellular providers to foster economic growth and citizen safety by ensuring that cell phone coverage is available to all rural BC communities and their connecting corridors.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Citizens Services The Government of British Columbia has committed to leveraging the Provinces telecommunications buying power to obtain expanded internet and cellular coverage for citizens in rural and remote areas. A large-scale telecommunications procurement is currently underway and expected to be completed by spring 2011. Cellular coverage is vital to public safety and is economically beneficial to small communities. The procurement is expected to leverage expanded coverage by providing access to cellular services in urban, suburban and rural communities in British Columbia and along the provinces primary and secondary transportation highways. Cellular services have many federally regulated components. As a result, the Province continues to take every opportunity to represent the interest of rural British Columbians by participating in federal telecommunications consultations. The Province advocates for providers to increase service in rural areas and urges the federal government to consult with provinces and municipalities before it makes reforms to existing telecommunications policy.

Convention Decision