Care Home Funding Formula

Port Alberni

WHEREAS the Vancouver Island Health Authority funds public and private care homes, including not-for-profit care homes; AND WHEREAS the Vancouver Island Health Authority is developing a formula for care home funding based on required care hours per individual: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities seek the commitment of the Vancouver Island Health Authority to fully fund any formula developed; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities seek the commitment of the Vancouver Island Health Authority that the formula recognize the excess care costs of individuals with extreme care needs, whether because of severe dementia and psychogeriatric systems or physical and medical conditions.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Health The Ministry of Health provides health authorities with global budgets for health care services, which health authorities allocate according to the needs of their communities and health regions. Health authorities are responsible for allocating funding to the home and community care sector that includes residential care and assisted living services. Vancouver Island Health Authority VIHA provides these services directly and through contracts with profit and not-for-profit organizations. VIHA is reviewing its funding approach to ensure an appropriate standard of care for all clients is provided regardless of the location of the facility or the facilitys service delivery model, and to increase the ability of residential care facilities to accommodate higher levels of care. The Province provides health authorities with policy guidelines for residential care facilities. Licensed care facilities are also regulated by the Community Care and Assisted Living Act and its adult care regulations. A renewal of the regulations, now underway, will take into account the fact that many clients, now entering residential care, have complex care needs. In addition, many residential care facilities, including contracted facilities, have voluntarily opted to seek formal accreditation through international, third party experts such as the Canadian Council of Health Services Accreditation. All of these actions are part of assuring patients in residential care receive quality care.

Convention Decision