Carbon Tax for Alternate Energy Products Programs


WHEREAS the Carbon Tax was, and is, a good idea but the way it is used is a bad idea; AND WHEREAS the realistic way in which to encourage both the conservation of energy and the development of the effective use of alternate energy is to implement strategies that have been developing in many parts of the world, including Denmark, Germany and many other countries that use tax incentives to encourage the development and use of alternate sources of energy; AND WHEREAS many countries have recognized that the alternate energy industry is one that can help to produce jobs in these times of economic challenge and the model is one that recognizes this as an important element of an emphasis on alternate energy: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of British Columbia Municipalities request the provincial government to use the Carbon Tax to: a Establish tax credits that are directed to the use of electric vehicles, fuel-efficient vehicles, energy-efficient appliances and products; and b Establish subsidies for transportation that are specific to the transportation of programs of the regional districts.

Convention Decision
Not Considered - Automatic Referral to Executive
Executive Decision
Referred to Environment Committee
Committee Decision
Not Endorsed