Cannabis and Harmonizing Smoking Regulations

New Westminster

Whereas the provincial government through the Tobacco and Vapour Products Control Act regulates public consumption of tobacco and vapour products throughout the province and will, through the proposed Cannabis Control and Licensing Act regulate the public consumption of cannabis throughout the province; And whereas many local governments have bylaws regulating smoking in public places that extend prohibited areas beyond the prescribed distance, and are being afforded the same opportunity to extend provincial regulations in the proposed Cannabis Control and Licensing Act; And whereas many of these bylaws are not consistent with each other throughout the province; And whereas smoking regulations that change across multiple jurisdictions are confusing for the public and make voluntary compliance challenging: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urge the Provincial Government of British Columbia to extend the prescribed distance from a doorway, window, or air intake in which a person must not smoke tobacco, hold lighted tobacco, use an e-cigarette or hold an activated e-cigarette from 6 meters to 7.5 meters and prohibit smoking in all public parks by amending the Tobacco and Vapour Control Regulations and by ensuring the corresponding distances prescribed in the Cannabis Control and Licensing Regulations are the same.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Health B.C.s tobacco, vapour product and cannabis laws set a provincial minimum of a six metre buffer zone from air intakes, open windows and doorways. Local governments may set more restrictive buffer zone laws based on individual requirements.

Convention Decision