Canada Post


Whereas Canada Post Corporation is in the process of eliminating door-to-door mail delivery as part of their ongoing program to increase postal rates and reduce postal services including the closure and downsizing of post offices, and reduction of post office hours; And whereas door-to-door mail delivery is an essential utility service that positively contributes to the liveability and safety of Canadian neighbourhoods, especially for increasing populations of seniors, shut-ins and persons with mobility and accessibility challenges; And whereas Canada Posts super mail box alternative to door-to-door mail delivery appears to be plagued with problems relating to criminal vandalism, theft, and general public safety: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM petition the Government of Canada to reverse the decision to eliminate door-to-door mail delivery and to properly consult with local governments and citizens in general relative to the continuation of door-to-door mail delivery and other levels of postal service that are expected and required in Canada.

Convention Decision