Canada-European Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement


WHEREAS Canadian municipalities have expressed growing concerns with trade agreements and their potential impacts on municipal procurement policies which favour local suppliers: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial government negotiate a clear, permanent exemption for local governments from CETA.

Provincial Response

Ministry of International Trade Minister Responsible for the Asia Pacific Strategy Multiculturalism The Province has conducted ongoing consultations with the Union of British Columbia Municipalities UBCM as the CanadaEuropean Union negotiations proceeded. Through these consultations, the Province has been made aware of UBCMs concerns regarding the potential application of the proposed agreement to local governments, especially in the areas of procurement. Those concerns have been conveyed to the federal government. The Government of Canada has stated that a Canada-European Union trade agreement would not prevent governments from addressing the needs of their constituents and providing support to local businesses through grants, loans and fiscal incentives and selection criteria such as quality, price including transportation costs and duties, technical requirements or relevant experience in competitive bids. The Government of British Columbia has entered into a non-disclosure document with the federal government and cannot release nor discuss specific negotiating positions, as this may jeopardize the outcome of the negotiations. The Province has consulted, and will continue to consult, with UBCM and explain the impacts of trade agreement obligations on municipalities.

Convention Decision