Call for the Expansion of Provincial EV Incentives

Port Moody

Therefore be it resolved that the Province of British Columbia take the lead across North America in providing the highest available level of provincial subsidy for purchase of electric vehicles.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources British Columbia is a leader in clean energy vehicles CEVs with one of the largest public charging infrastructure networks in Canada, the first public hydrogen fuelling station in Canada with plans to build out more, and the highest per capita adoption of CEVs in the country 4 of new light-duty vehicle sales in 2018. In 2011, the Province introduced the CEV Program, and has since committed more than 104 million to encourage British Columbians to choose clean, green vehicles that reduce their transportation greenhouse gas GHG emissions, and to stimulate economic development in clean transportation in BC. B.C.s current incentive levels match those in California, and are slightly higher than those in Oregon and Washington, but are lower than Quebecs. B.C. has been able to achieve higher CEV adoption rates on a per capita basis than Ontario when they had incentives and Quebec, despite having lower incentive levels. Overall, the CEV Program has been highly successful in stimulating demand for clean energy vehicles. On December 5, 2018, the Government of British Columbia released its CleanBC plan aimed at reducing climate pollution, while creating more jobs and economic opportunities for people, businesses and communities. In CleanBC, the Province committed to expand the CEV Program by making further investments in incentives for consumers and the expansion of charging stations and hydrogen fuelling stations

Convention Decision