Business Licensing

North Okanagan RD

Whereas regional districts do not have business licensing powers; And whereas it is imperative to regulate and manage businesses to enhance economic development, fire fighter safety and community planning within electoral areas of regional districts: Therefore be it resolved that the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing be requested to recommend an amendment to the Local Government Act to provide business licensing powers to regional districts.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Government is interested in supporting regional districts seeking to improve their efficiency and effectiveness. Given the diversity and range of priorities of regional districts in the province, historically business licensing and other additional authorities have been granted by regulation on a case by case basis. Central Okanagan Regional District CORD, the only regional district currently with business license authority, received the authority to regulate business in 1996. There are a number of implications that regional districts need to consider when requesting business licensing authority and developing a business licensing scheme. This includes: administrative fairness the Board would receive the general power to regulate all business, the authority would not be specific to any particular type of business; enforcement capacity; and an analysis of the regional challenges the proposed scheme is intended to address. Ministry staff would need to consider the same implications and analyze the challenges at the broader provincial level. Historically there has been limited interest from regional districts to receive business licensing authority, given the many implications and complexity of developing and implementing the business licensing scheme. Currently, Ministry staff are actively working with some regional district partners to identify their regional business issues and reviewing specific regional district requests for business licensing authority.

Convention Decision