Bulkley River Angling Use Plan Implementation


WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Smithers has concerns regarding the regulations and controls that may be placed on local rivers and Council feels that the stakeholders and resident anglers have the best understanding of the local situation and conditions and have a vested interest in the Bulkley River and will not do anything that could jeopardize their livelihood; AND WHEREAS the Angling Use Plan AUP for the Bulkley River that will benefit our communities by protecting the fish, the river, and anglers was developed and agreed to by all parties in 1998 should not be dismissed because of changing numbers of Fisheries Officers resulting from policy reviews by senior levels of government: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of British Columbia Municipalities petition the provincial government to implement, monitor, and enforce the Bulkley River Angling Use Plan and that Angling Use Plans be implemented, monitored, and enforced for both the Kispiox and Babine Rivers as well.

Convention Decision
Not Admitted for Debate