Beverage Container Recycling System

Oak Bay

Whereas increasing the effectiveness of BCs beverage container recycling system will result in fewer containers becoming ocean litter, while reducing greenhouse gases through recycling, avoiding taxpayer waste management costs, and creating green jobs: Therefore be resolved that UBCM request that the Province of BC support the Ocean Legacy Foundation request to: 1. Increase the regulated deposit rate; 2. Add all beverage containers to the deposit refund system; 3. Require producers to collect and report on the recycling of bottle caps; 4. Raise regulated targets to at least that achieved by Alberta and Saskatchewan, with long-term targets matching the EU; and 5. Enforce the regulated targets in a meaningful way, such as requiring producers to pay for the clean-up of ocean plastics equal to the amount by weight that they fail to collect and recycle.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy Government appreciates the work being done by the Ocean Legacy Foundation and recognizes the pervasive impacts of plastics, especially in the ocean environment. The Ministry has reviewed the Ocean Legacy Foundations recommendations to reduce ocean plastics, including the potential for increasing beverage container depositrefund levels. In general, these recommendations are in keeping with the Ministrys goal to continuously improve our existing extended producer responsibility programs, particularly in targeting plastics and other single-use items. Through the CleanBC Plastics Action Plan, the Ministry engaged with local governments, Indigenous leaders, businesses, industry and British Columbians to reduce plastic pollution in BC Consultation on the plan closed on September 30, 2019 and the Ministry is analyzing the comments from the public and stakeholders. A core component of the plan focused on improving beverage container recycling including several measures reflected in the Foundations report. MLA Sheila Malcolmson, Parliamentary Secretary for Environment, has been tasked by Premier Horgan to address abandoned vessels, marine debris and marine-sourced plastics in BC While MLA Malcolmsons work does not primarily focus on upstream sources of plastic pollution, anything that reduces what gets disposed of or makes its way to the ocean will be consistent with and complementary to her work. Currently, Encorp Pacific Return it and the Brewers Recycling Container Collection Council BRCCC stewardship plans for beverage containers are due for review by the ministry. This review has been deferred pending findings from the CleanBC engagement and any subsequent policy or regulatory changes extending from that process. The plans will then be reviewed applying this lens after an appropriate consultation process is undertaken for each.

Convention Decision