

WHEREAS the infestation of bedbugs is a serious problem, specifically in the low-income housing stock in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver and possibly in other types of housing and hotel accommodation across the city and in other BC local governments; AND WHEREAS bedbugs are impacting not only the health of tenants, but also the livability and economic viability of the rental housing: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities request that the provincial government acknowledge that the infestation of bedbugs in Vancouver and other BC municipalities poses a health and social risk and that the provincial Ministry of Health be directed to convene a task force to work with local health authorities and local governments to: - Provide financial resources to develop innovative programs to control bedbugs; - Further research the impact of bedbugs on individuals with a compromised immune system; and - Increase public awareness and education about controlling and preventing the spread of bedbugs.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Health The Province of British Columbias health authorities have been working with tourism and hotel operators to increase awareness about bedbugs. Health Authorities, the Ministry of Employment and Income Assistance, BC Housing, the hotel industry, the Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users and the Downtown Eastside Residents Association have been working on strategies to address awareness, education and prevention programs. Much work has been done specifically in the City of Vancouver, where partners have been working to educate tenants and landlords about their individual responsibilities and in developing protocols for prevention in low-income housing and BC Housing developments.

Convention Decision