Bear Aware Funding

Sunshine Coast RD

WHEREAS the evolving criteria and competitive process for securing Bear AwareWild Safe BC funding is counterproductive to local governments requiring funding certainty to ensure continuity of a service provided in partnership with other organizations; AND WHEREAS small rural local governments are less able to respond to evolving program criteria and funding requirements: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM urge the Ministry of Environment to provide financial support and work with the BC Conservation Foundation to revise the funding criteria for the Bear AwareWild Safe program to ensure interested communities can participate without having to compete against other jurisdictions for funding.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment The Ministry of Environment supports the work of the Bear Aware and Wild Safe BC programs and would like to continue as a full partner in their delivery. Bear Aware education is an integral component of the provincial Bear Smart Communities Program and, as such, must remain active and accessible throughout the Province. In past years, funding to support the Bear Aware Program has been provided by the Ministry. Government is very pleased to have provided funding to Bear Aware in the amount of 357,000 over the fiscal years 201011 and 201112 and committed a further 225,000 for 201213. The Ministry remains hopeful that funding will be available in the future but, unfortunately, can make no commitments at this time given fiscal challenges. The BC Conservation Foundation BCCF has endeavored to provide a variety of program levels to ensure that every community has the opportunity to receive support. Options range from a Community Coordinator program where delivery specialists are hired and supervised by the BCCF to Seed-Grants of up to 2000, that allow smaller communities the chance to participate. Bear Aware programs do not normally meet Habitat Conservation Trust Fund criteria but the BCCF is sometimes able to access restorative justice awards that are specific to area andor funding criteria. The Ministry will work with the BCCF to ensure the process for awarding available funding is fair and equitable and strives to ensure that every community requesting support to deliver a Bear AwareWild Safe BC program, receives it. Communities are also encouraged to look at alternative delivery mechanisms that would allow the Bear AwareWild Safe BC programs to continue operating and providing educational services to British Columbia communities. The Ministry will continue to encourage British Columbians to take responsibility for proper management of wildlife attractants and minimizing conflicts. Recent amendments to the Wildlife Act give conservation officers the ability to issue tickets or appearance notices for a court appearance to deal with people who repeatedly and negligently fail to secure attractants for dangerous wildlife. These tools compliment existing tools and are expected to reduce the number of large predators, such as bears, that come into conflict with people.

Convention Decision