Whereas the BC Hydro Power and Authority Act and associated statutes references other Acts within its scope, including the Climate Change Accountability Act and Environmental Management Act; And whereas various communities have experienced that their operations do not fully comply with these Acts or the provincial governments Nature-Based 2030 Climate Change targets to protect land, preserve nature, and reverse diversity loss; And whereas the Authority does not allocate a budget for adequate eco-restoration in areas where its activities have harmfully impacted biodiversity, and financial support is crucial to the success of hydro projects and the realization of provincial climate change targets; And whereas to prepare the Province for the impacts of climate change, it is essential that BC Hydro collaborates with local governments, stakeholders, and landowners, and the Hydro and Power Authority Act must also prioritize ecosystem retention in its mandate to provide affordable power while minimizing environmental impact, restoring biodiversity and in the process support local governments Climate Action Plans: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM recommend the provincial government mandate an amendment to the Hydro Power and Authority Act to incorporate a budget for Climate Change Ecosystem Restoration as well as technologies that support tree retention andor re-planting in all its projects, thus demonstrating the provincial governments commitment to its Nature-Based 2030 Climate Change targets.